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Stay close to your restaurant...

at a distance

Citrus Fruits

SeeYouResto Takes Your Business

To The Next Level


HR - module

Complete Article-Database


Follow-ip Price Evolution


Efficient &

Error-Free Inventory

by Barcode-Scanning


Automatic Orders Based

On Collected Parameters


Sending Orders Per Mail, 

File Transmission 

Or API-Connection


Perfect Control on Receiving Orders by Using Mobile Scanner 


Automatic Invoice Control







Order & Inventory 

Complete Article-Database


Follow-ip Price Evolution


Efficient &

Error-Free Inventory

by Barcode-Scanning


Automatic Orders Based

On Collected Parameters


Sending Orders Per Mail, 

File Transmission 

Or API-Connection


Perfect Control on Receiving Orders by Using Mobile Scanner 


Automatic Invoice Control







Food Cost

Easy Composing Dishes with Click&Drop-tool


Cost Calculation per Dish


Simulation Tools Calculating Margin in Case of 

Price or Ingredients Modifications 


Efficient Planning Tool for Productions

& Mise-En-Place


Build In Alerts for Overstock and Upcoming

Expiration Dates


Thanks to Different Check Points, Traceability Becomes a Piece of Cake


Your Dashboard Will Send You Alerts for Possible Expiration Dates


Planning & Control on Cleaning Schedules


Build in Remainders for Cost Reducing

Maintenance of Installations


 Automatic Generator of Allergens List 

Food and Drink

SeeYouResto is also


Expert in organisation & workflow

The large experience in different kinds of restaurants makes

SeeYouResto an expert in organisation of workflow from maintenance,

through the kitchens

till the restaurant  


Sales & Marketing

These are the tools we have to give a special treatment !

Increasing sales

through better marketing,

it really works !

  SeeYouResto  has a lot of ideas

to help you !



Mystery Guest

How is your business running when you're away or even when you're present.


gives you a full report

of what's running smoothly

and where some 

actions  to be taken


Meet our partners !


Rekrut Extras App

Recruit or find a job in the catering industry in an instant with

Rekrut Extras


SeeYouResto is Partner of Claris

Claris International Inc.

is a computer software development company formed as a subsidiary company of Apple Inc.

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